Sujit Mahapatra

Sujit Mahapatra is the Founder and Secretary of Bakul Foundation, where he is a full time volunteer and has been trying to demonstrate the power of volunteerism in the youth through initiatives in Education, Environment and the Arts. He has taught English Literature at Ravenshaw University and a freelance Faculty in Communication and English. His doctoral research at Delhi University was on Ecology, Cultural Theory and Literature in which he looked at the question of “Why we think the way we think about the Jungle.” He has been a popular Speaker at Literary Festivals and at fora such as TEDx. He has been a Member of the Drafting Committee of the Odisha State Youth Policy and is on State Steering Committee of the National Green Corps.


Sujit Mahapatra
Sunday to Wednesday
December 23 to 26, 2022
467 Davidson ave
Los Angeles CA 95716