Tomica Bajsić

Tomica Bajsić is a poet, prose writer, graphic artist and translator. Author of five poetry collections, two books of travel prose, and a picture book for kids. Translator and editor of four international poetry anthologies. Twice awarded with national awards for poetry, Goran for young poets, and Dobriša Cesarić prize. His poetry and prose pieces are translated into many languages. He workes also in the fields of restoration, illustration and graphic design. Had two photographic expositions in Zagreb Amazon Breathes in Cultural Centre and Brazilian Rainforest in Mimara Museum in Zagreb. Long time editor for poetry in translation in Croatian Poezija. President of Croatian PEN Centre as well as Croatian coordinator of the lyrikline network.


Tomica Bajsić
Sunday to Wednesday
December 23 to 26, 2022
467 Davidson ave
Los Angeles CA 95716