Roland Orcsik was born in 1975 in Becse (Serbia, ex-Yugoslavia). He has lived in Szeged, Hungary, since 1992. He works at the Institute of Slavonic Studies at the University of Szeged. Orcsik is one of the editors of the literary monthly “Tiszatáj”. He writes poetry, criticism and translates from a number of ex-Yugoslav languages into Hungarian. His research focuses on Hungarian and Yugoslav literary contacts. He has published five volumes of poetry, „Mahler downloaded” has been translated into Serbian and „Spoilend saint” into Croatian. His first novel, „Phantomcommando”, was published in 2016 and has been translated into Serbian and Romanian. His works have been translated into Arabic, Assamese, Czech, English, French, Croatian, German, Greek, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Serbian.