Kailash Pattanaik

Kailash Pattanaik a known fiction writer of Odia literature by profession a university teacher, working as Professor and Head, Department of Odia, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal. He has eight short story collections, one novel with non human characters, four literary criticisms, twelve edited works and two translations to his credit. Major parts of his editing works devoted to Fakirmohan’s works. Rare writings of Fakirmohan and an annotated bibliography on Fakirmohan’s works are two to mention specially. His interest on Folklore made him work extensively on Orishan folklore, particularly Folk literature. He has collected western Odishan folksongs and northen Odishan tribal Folktales. He was selected consecutive twice as vice president, Indian folklore Congress. A polyglot, Prof. Pattanaik knows Assamese, Bengali, English, Guajarati, and Hindi , apart from his mother tongue Odia. He has extensively travelled Australia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, and Turkey in connection with academic assignments.


Kailash Pattanaik
Sunday to Wednesday
December 23 to 26, 2022
467 Davidson ave
Los Angeles CA 95716