Minati Mohapatra

Mrs. Minati Mohapatra Arjuna Awardee She received Arjun Award in the year 1980- The first Odia and the first women Cyclist in India to receive this Covetous Award. Currently the Chairperson, Women Commission, Cycling Federation of India President, Odisha Cycling Association. Member of the Padma Committee of Govt. of Odisha, Brand Ambassador of Rourkela for Swatchha Bharat Mission. Former Chairperson and Member of the Complaints Committee (Sexual Harassment) of SAIL, RSP and – former General Manager HOD, Sports of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant. Life Member of National Institute of Personnel Mgt. ( NIPM ) and ISTD Received the Jawahar Award – the Highest Award for executives of SAIL RSP in the year 2005 for her outstanding performance in the Human Resource Management (HRM) .


Minati Mohapatra
Sunday to Wednesday
December 23 to 26, 2022
467 Davidson ave
Los Angeles CA 95716